Something Unique in Today’s Seed Industry
Dahlman manages every step of its production internally from testing and selecting the genetics and traits to growing, conditioning and processing each corn and soybean unit we sell.
- Dahlman seed delivers strong germination, healthy plants and excellent performance because the seed is handled gently, conditioned carefully and graded with continuous quality supervision.
- Dahlman seed products are produced handled and conditioned using many years of seed experience and “state of the art” equipment.
- Premium quality seed delivered to you translates to more plants per acre and greater profitability potential. You can see the difference when you plant Dahlman on your farm.
Extra Grading Assures Better Germination
Dahlman’s conditioning plant is among the best in the industry. Built in 2004, it has precise cleaning and grading equipment, including an infrared color sorter. Extra steps during conditioning provide the seed selection and grading that assure healthy seed in every bag.
- STEP 1: Conventional cleaning, grading and sorting on the gravity tables removes cracked or damaged seed.
- STEP 2: Dahlman’s Scanmaster Color Sorter removes an additional 1-3% of kernels that may be lighter, have microscopic cracks, or may be slightly discolored. This impure seed is rejected from the seed line.
- STEP 3: Accepted seed that moves to the treating facility is cleaner, more uniform and has an extremely high germination rate….often 99%.
In this process, Dahlman customers are the winners. Better quality seed in the bag means better quality seed in the ground. There’s potential for better germination and more plants producing a healthy ear.
Test Plots Evaluate Dahlman Product Line and Prospective Hybrids
Dahlman’s current product line and prospective new hybrids are evaluated in the Dahlman Test Plot near Dassel, MN. Field observations are taken for germination, early growth, plant development, root and stalk strength, leaf habit, tasseling, ear development, stay green and drydown. At harvest, each hybrid is weighed, then checked for moisture and test weight. Results from this plot and others throughout our market area give us first-hand knowledge about product performance. We also participate in state yield trials in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Our products are top performers that don’t take a back seat to anyone.
Other Dahlman Quality Steps
Here are other quality steps that Dahlman Seed Company uses to assure germination and genetic purity:
- After bagging, a sample of every lot of every seed size from every hybrid is taken for quality control and genetic purity testing.
- A warm germ test verifies the percentage of bagged seed that will germinate under ideal field growing conditions.
- Cold germ and super cold germ testing verify seedling vigor and the percentage of seed that will grow under cool and wet spring planting conditions.
- Bioassays confirm trait purity for Roundup Ready® herbicide-tolerant hybrids. These tests make sure the hybrids pass the strict quality guidelines set for these products.
- Growout Testing verifies that all of our hybrids meet strict quality standards.
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Be Careful With Your Seed
Every kernel of seed that you plant is a living organism, whether it’s corn, soybeans, alfalfa or any other crop. Seed bags should be handled gently and not thrown long distances or dropped on extremely hard surfaces. Doing so can crack seed and lower germination resulting in less plants per acre.