- AFX 463-RR is an alfalfa with the Roundup Ready® technology for use in multiple growing regions including areas prone to stem nematode pressure
- 33 of 35 disease resistance package and is very winterhardy
- Very good standability and high yield potential in multiple growing environments
- Early season weed control with glyphosate herbicides helps improve establishment success and first year yield potential compared to conventional varieties
Product Characteristics
HR = High Resistance R = ResistantAgronomic Traits
- Fall Dormancy4
- Winterhardiness2
- Forage Yield Index5
- Digestibility/Feed Value3
- StandabilityVery Good
- Multileaf ExpressionLow
Pest Resistance Traits
- Bacterial WiltHR (>50%)
- Fusarium WiltHR (>50%)
- AnthracnoseHR (>50%)
- Phytophthora Root RotHR (>50%)
- Aphanomyces Root Rot - Race 1R (31-50%)
- Aphanomyces Root Rot - Race 2R (31-50%)
- Verticillium WiltHR (>50%)
- AphidsR (31-50%)
- Stem NematodeHR (>50%)
- Disease Resistance Index33/35